I now pronounce you ......
Kerianne and Alex, Zealandia
The highlight in every marriage ceremony is where the Celebrant formally pronounces that the couple are now married. It is usually followed by the invitation to kiss. This is the point where all the nerves have gone and the pure enjoyment and celebration of the day kicks in for the bride and groom! It is always a magical moment.
A question that often comes up with couple when we are creating their own ceremony is when should this pronouncement happen? Sometimes it occurs directly after the vows and before the signing of the register. Others prefer it to occur after the signing of the register and as the "finale" for the ceremony.
There is no right or wrong answer to this. When discussing this with couples I like consider how they want their ceremony to flow and what fells right for them. Some couples will have a very clear view, others won't. That's absolutely fine. Just look at it within the context of the ceremony - is there another reading after the signing, how will the music flow/music style between the signing of the register and the music to leave to and do you want the pronouncement and kiss to be the piece in the ceremony that everything has built up to or do you wish this to be an important but not only key moment in the ceremony?
Your ceremony needs to be what feels right for you. There are lots of options and I like to create the ceremony that is especially yours.